Our Offering


In our world now, the dominant expression of sexuality is disconnected, anonymous and porn-ish. Because it is constantly what we see, read and hear about it has become the go-to in real life. Definitely one way to get to orgasm, but not the only , or most pleasurable way.

GASP is inviting you to explore your turn-on and open your mind, heart and sex to deeper more connected adventurous spaces. Connected sex is a deepening; a brave, wild, powerful way to interact with another – for a night or for a lifetime.

And in doing so you will watch yourself ignite, expand and heal.



Let’s talk about sex. But not in the way you may be used to. We like to approach sex in a way that is eye opening and heart hugging. In today’s porn-based world we barely see connection or even talk about it. GASP’s purpose is to create more love in the world by making more love, and our talks aim to spark the flame in each person to connect with themselves and others in a new way. This helps boost productivity / positivity / connection in ones life and in ones self.



In 2019 GASP held a series of summer readings, hidden in the trees and limited to a small group of people. These magical evenings soon gathered attention and has sparked our goal for readings in 2020. We bring GASP to life via spoken word and it’s enchanting. Across different locations, with an array of readers and new writings every time we are going to see some incredible readings very soon.



Our events range from aphrodisiac food tastings to vulva knitting workshops. We take all that is GASP and put it into creative, immersive events. We believe that every event should hold a sense of wow opening ones mind to the possibilities and opportunities around sex.